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How Personal Training Changed My Life!

How Personal Training Changed My Life!

I was looking for a miracle solution to get healthier

I was obese, and I regularly found myself looking for the perfect workout, recipe or diet that would make me lose the 65 pounds. Every time I looked in the mirror, I hated what I saw. Going up the stairs was becoming harder and harder, and the clothes I bought six months ago didn't fit anymore. My doctor was concerned about my health because I was not getting better despite her advice to get fit and lose weight.

I went from one diet to another and joined several gyms. I also tried getting up early in the morning but never managed to get an early night.

I would tell myself over and over again that tomorrow is a new beginning and my new healthy life awaits! No more chocolates and sweets.

No to hours of sitting in front of the television.

I promised myself to take charge of my life and make the necessary action to get the job done. Unfortunately, I never stuck to anything long enough to get what I so desperately wanted to achieve.

My weight increased, and my cholesterol soared. My immune system was low, and I kept getting ill. At 22, I was feeling the lowest I had ever been. I finally told myself that: "I just COULDN'T keep going on like this". I had to sort myself out and find a way out.

I started thinking about whether I should hire a personal trainer because

I still had a membership at the gym. I realized I was just another person who made the percentage of people who join a gym but never exercise. I too struggled to make it to the gym regularly. Somehow, I ended up feeling envious of those who were working with a fitness coach.

Initially, I hesitated spending on a personal training package for three months, but deep down, I knew that I needed a trainer to help me turn my life around.

I told myself that hiring a personal trainer will be worth the investment.

So I signed up for three training sessions a week and started my transformation journey.

I realized that there's nothing more important than maintaining good health.

My trainer started with a comprehensive fitness assessment to discuss the changes I need to make to my nutrition, sleep, and general lifestyle habits. She also put me through a fitness assessment to evaluate my fitness level.

I felt I was in good hands and felt very happy and optimistic to be working with a trainer.

 My trainer started slow and designed my workout to suit my fitness level. I found that I was really enjoying my workouts and looking forward to my next session. She became a great source of knowledge and realized I had a chronic disease and limitations. She continuously asked me how I was feeling. Our meetings were tailor-made to my moods, so we got the best of our hour together.

She always made me feel amazing, and training gave me a way to vent.

I learned through my transformation that I prioritized meeting outer expectations rather than inner expectations. I tended to put others before myself, and I learned that to succeed in my journey,  I needed to learn to put myself first.

Knowing that my trainer is expecting me at a specific time made it easy to commit.

 I just got ready and went to the gym, always making sure I didn't let my trainer down.

It was so funny, how I was not willing to let my trainer down, and it was this accountability that got me to my goal!

Also, because I was careful with my budget, I wanted to get my money's worth. Knowing I had paid and had set my training sessions twice a week meant I couldn't merely cancel the morning of because I didn't feel like it, because I was tired or in a bad mood. I would lose the session.

The results…

I was committed for a year what meant that not only did I reach my fitness goals, but I also maintained a balanced lifestyle. She became a wonderful friend, and I can't thank her enough for her patience with me throughout my journey.

The truth is, no ONE program or solution fits everyone. There might be some success stories out there, but I urge you to look beyond the before and after pictures, beyond the number of pounds lost — an estimated 5% of people who successfully lose weight end up keeping off past five years. The same person who lost 65 pounds over 12 weeks gained it all back and even more within the following years.

Most of us spend years in school, learning our craft as professionals. Yet, very few of us make time to learn how to manage and maintain the body we were blessed with at birth. No crash diet or extreme program can teach you the life-long skills it takes to live a long, pain-free and joyful life.

Consider Personal Training as a made-to-measure course that you will benefit from for years after its completion.

I cannot stress enough about how my trainer changed my life. I have gone through my transformative year six years ago now and have not gone back to my old habits.

Free Health and Fitness Assessment

Book your Health and Fitness Assessment to know precisely where you're starting from and draft personalized goals and strategies. Don't be like me. Prioritize your well-being even for an hour or two. It will make you so much more of a better and happier parent, friend, colleague.

I can't risk my health getting worse. Schedule my free Assessment now.